Les Roses Bleues & la Renaissance

Art Médecine par Anastasia d’Avalon

Les Roses bleues

Blue like the sky, like the sea, evocative of a soft enveloping 
veil that we could feel around us in a silent Sapphire night. 
Inspiring the feminine essence, which connects us to the Sophia, known as the wisdom of the 
void, Blue Roses are a very ancient symbol for spreading the message of
 the feminine essence. They represent the divine feminine and would be connected to the planet
 Venus. They evoke an ancient feminine wisdom from the origins.
Many authors (often Anglo-Saxons) evoke France as the land of the 
Sacred Feminine. 
The Blue Rose is a symbol & a lineage that particularly connects to the 
Heart of the depths, to the Heart of the Earth, to the Heart of Self.


“It is a strong lineage, heart centered, bearing the gifts of healing, prophesy, song, and dance. ” 
Mary, Bluerosehealing


healing art

The Lineage of the blue Rose

Some souls resonate with the Blue Rose in obvious ways without necessarily understanding or knowing exactly what it is. They are on earth to accompany its transformation by healing their wounds and reactivating the consciousness of the unity of the Heart of the earth.

Carriers of a certain vibration, they recognize each other and connect, obviously understanding each other. They function in the consciousness of their collective and each one embodies this frequency in their own way.

Priestesses, visionaries, artists, prophetesses, storytellers, teachers, …. they are ultra-sensitive souls, empathic and carrying values ​​such as purity (consciousness of origin), faith, truth, authenticity and justice. Very often their path of incarnation is complicated and they have to go through a long process of personal healing in order to work at the service of the collective through the Heart.

Rose & renaissance

There is an essential path to being born into life with deep Love & Self-Respect. And to bloom from the Heart. Renaissance. The Rose, by its shape, evokes the many cycles in which we live and brings us back to the center, to the Heart. The Blue Rose brings the renewal of the time of the Origin and plunges us back into the matrix waters. How does this resonate with you? This is the vision told by “Le Bal des Sirènes” which broadcasts a message, a magical song of re-enchantment, from the line of the Blue Rose. You can choose your Ceramic Blue Rose as a symbol of Rebirth. And thus contribute to the blossoming of the field of Blue Roses, carrying a new vision anchored in the feminine Heart.

Témoignages cérémonie de la Rose bleue

“Chère Anastasia,
c’est l’une des plus belles choses que j’aie jamais vues. Merci beaucoup. Je ressens la guérison, l’éveil, la guidance. Le sacré. Vous êtes magique. Je suis avec vous là-bas.”


“That makes me soooo happy Anastasia.
Thank you for your work, it means so much that you are dedicating your time & energy to the waters of the Earth.”


Blue Roses are linked to the planet of Love & Feminine, Venus, a sacred place where sacred stories took place in ancient times. The planet Venus traces the shape of a Rose in the sky, every 8 years through its cycle of dancing with the Earth. The planet Venus, celestial rose was revered since ancient times already by the Mayans, Egyptians, Essenes who followed its cycles and thus honored the mysteries of the Feminine. The Blue Rose is a spiritual line that connects to the Feminine Heart of the Depths, to the Heart of the Earth & to the Heart of Self.The Blue Rose flourishes near Waterways as an offering to Water with respect, love & gratitude. And connects us to the flow of abundance flowing like clear, crystal clear, rippling water. Thus, we reverse the pattern of using water indiscriminately or bringing waste to it. By bringing an offering and new attention to this blue gold that also circulates within us, we become aware of our place in the water cycle & we contribute to communicating respect, love, gratitude and beauty to it.

You want to live & book your Renaissance ritual with the Blue Rose, we will take the time to discuss your intentions and create a ceremony that reflects your precise needs for your Renaissance. This can be done both face-to-face and remotely. You can provide details below or anastasia@musesennature.com. I offer myself a sacred time of Feminine Renaissance with the Blue Rose.


8 + 11 =

Art Gallery
Ceramics & blue Roses Garden